Now that we’re a few months into the new year, I hope your new year is off to a fulfilling and successful start. The January newsletter provided tips on how to outlast your new year’s resolutions and this issue offers more tips to keep that momentum going.
Also, be sure to like me on Facebook and follow me on Twitter to receive more regular tips and tricks to achieve success that’s balanced.
Here’s to your continued fulfillment, success and balance.
How to Revive Your Goals
Focus on the Positive – One reason goals can fall short is they tend to stress the negative. Instead of thinking about what you want to eliminate in your life, think about what you want to create. For example, instead of just losing weight, think about creating health. Or instead of shrinking debt, think about creating abundance.
Remember the “Why” – To help keep you motivated when the going gets tough, it helps to remember why you set out to achieve your goal in the first place. For example, if you want to create a healthier lifestyle, what will be the benefit of this? Having more energy to play with your kids? Feeling better and looking better? Feeling more confident?
Make Self-Care a Priority – If you really want to make changes in your life, it’s imperative to take care of yourself and manage your stress. Start by making sure you’re getting enough sleep and eating well. I also highly recommend creating a daily renewal ritual to help you manage stress. This is any quiet, reflective activity that allows you to slow down your thinking brain (which can be caught up in fear, doubt, worry and guilt) and truly be in the moment. It allows you to recharge your battery so you can be more present and energetic throughout the rest of your day. Examples include meditation, yoga, journaling, prayer, yoga, nature walk, listening to music or any personal quiet activity. Start with 10 minutes/day and notice all the great benefits you receive.
Reflection – Review your progress at the end of each week. If you’ve achieved all your goals for the week, great! If you haven’t reached your goals, all is not lost. This is a valuable time for reflection. What did you learn by not reaching your goals? What was the benefit?
Celebrate Your Successes – One of the most important parts of working towards your goals is rewarding yourself when you’ve succeeded. Be sure to choose a reward at the beginning of the goal setting process and decide on when/how often you’ll cash in on that reward. Since you’re working on developing new habits in the beginning, I recommend starting with weekly rewards and slowly moving towards monthly rewards. The trick is to be sure to follow-through with rewarding yourself. You’ve worked hard and you deserve it.